Friday 24 September 2010

Days Three, Four, Five etc. etc.

Greetings, dear reader, from a little town called Pismo Beach on the west coast of the USA. Until a few minutes ago, I was sitting here listening to the sound of the Pacific ocean lapping against the beach that sits about 30 yards from my and Dumpy's window. However, given that our room has been "Hog's HQ" all week, the rest of the rabble have returned from the restaurant, and the gentle sound of the sea has been replaced with a Jerry Springer like show on the tele. At least one of the rabble (Ginger) has brought some beers back with him, so every cloud has a silver lining.

Anyway, the more observant of you will have noticed that the blog has been sadly lacking in updates since earlier in the week - in fact I think that the last you heard, the Hogs had just arrived in Las Vegas, and were about to head for the pool. Sitting here in Pismo, all of that seems so long ago, especially given the amount that we have managed to pack into the last week or so, and we are very conscious that we have not kept you up to date with progress. The problem is that we have been sooooooo busy, we haven't had time to let you know our progress, and so in an attempt to so this, here are just a few of the highlights of the Hogs USA tour to date .....

First Sight of the bikes

 We all needed beards!

 Saturday Evening (Las Vegas)

Sunday (Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon Helicopter trip)

Monday (Death Valley / High Sierra, including Geoff getting lost)


Tuesday (Yosemite)

Wednesday (San Francisco)


Britney (I fell in love in LA! Dumpy.)

More to follow ......

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