Friday 17 September 2010

And off we go !

Good morning everyone, and what a beautiful morning it is too!

To be fair, we could be in the middle of a hurricane or some other severe weather system, but providing that it didn't stop travel to and from, and flights in and out, of Heathrow Airport, I'm not sure that I would really notice, because ..... Today's the Day !

After two years of informal planning, and the last 9 months of full on, in your face, attention to detail, planning, the day on which the Mild Hogs start their epic road trip has finally arrived. In just about 30 minutes your author will bid farewell to Mrs Hogg and family (apparently the hog-lets want to be woken up to see me leave, which may lead to interesting times later in the day - thank goodness I will on the other side of the world) and set off for Boss Towers to collect Boss and Daddy, who stayed there last night.

After Daddy's zimmer frame is safely stowed, it will be off to Chez Ginger, and finally down into deepest, darkest Northamptonshire to collect Dumpy (what's all this "The Hedge" nonsense about ?) from his humble abode, curiously called "Dunworkin", before heading off down towards the big smoke, and a fun morning at Heathrow Airport.

It would be just typical for me to sit here and wax lyrical about how much we were all looking forward to the trip, only to realise that if I didn't get a move on, we might well miss the plane. Therefore, for that reason, I am going to take my leave of you, finish my last minute pre flight checks, and finally "get this show on the road".

Hopefully we might find time to provide an update of progress later today - assuming of course that Dumpy has remembered to charge the "tour PC" (thanks Curtis)

Laters !

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