Saturday 18 September 2010

Bodyclock Blues

Why is it that my body just can't understand or accept my superbly thought out plan to quickly re-align my body clock to US PST?
Keep awake as long as possible, maybe grab a few Zzzzs on the plane then, when I do hit the sack, I'll be that cream crackered I'll sleep for at least 6 hours and will be as fresh as a daisy for the first ride of the tour - Job Done!
Well the first part went according to plan (except not being able to sleep on the plane due to a pair of inconsiderate Irish elephants in the seats in front of Ginger & me) and managed to last till 11:00pm over here (7 AM UK time). So why was I wide awake at 3AM without a hope of getting more, much needed, beauty sleep and trying to pass away the early hours writing this post? Red Bull for breakfast & lunch me thinks!!
So, as I write this it's 3 and a bit hours until I collect my C90 - I soooooooooooo hope there is no mix up with the bikes and I end up riding a Harley! Until later my friends - best wishes to all, Boss Hog.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Boss Hog,

    Your plan wasn't full proof! You should have requested that a PM (Daddy Hog) book a consultant(Paddy)to reconfigure you to take into account, BST, UTC Daylight saving and whatever else needed to be configured! Failure to do this would result in a compaint to a Customer Manager (Ginger)

    Despite being wide awake at 3am, still sounds like fun to me!

    Looking forward to the next instalment.

    Clair x
